Sparks of Genius Program

The Sparks of Genius Program is a safe, effective, fun and medication-free solution to attention deficit disorder.

Your child receives a personalized brain training program based on attention skills, deficits and intellectual potential. The program includes:

  • Brain Training to help your child concentrate, listen, remember, follow directions and complete tasks (like homework).
  • Self-Regulation Training to enable your child to control emotions and behavior.
  • Sparks of Genius. What parent doesn’t want their child to be smart? Children with ADHD are often smart in unique, nontraditional, nonacademic ways. By discovering how they are smart, kids regain motivation, confidence and enthusiasm. Overcoming ignition trouble, they begin sparking genius.
  • Brain Training Coach who administers and continually adjusts the program to maximize success.
  • Mindfulness meditation training to increase attention, emotional control and self-awareness.
  • Sparks of Genius Code teaches your child to give best effort, to persevere, be responsible and spark genius.
  • Cool technology that children love including video games, biofeedback and neurofeedback.

A 1-year subscription with a Cloud License to MindPower Builderâ„¢, a state-of-the-art brain training program. Your child can continue to train on your home computer for up to a full year.

BrainPower neurofeedback headset so your child can play sports and games by mind alone to become more calm and alert.The 3 links are attached below.

You will know all the program’s costs before you enroll your child. There are no hidden fees. The first session is free so you can see if the program can work for your child.

We also encourage your child to participate in the following activities (in addition to Sparks of Genius)

  • Physical fitness, including martial arts, to increases readiness and motivation to learn as well as to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Focused arts, including music, art, dance, writing and theatre, to boost attention, cognition and mood.
  • Mastery-based educational coaching if your child has a learning disability (LD) or an academic deficit

This method promotes achievement and acts as a springboard to future accomplishments.

Brain Coach Dr. Rohn Kessler will personally supervise your child’s training. Like a top-notch athletic coach, he will continually adjust the program to maximize your child’s success.

Imagine your ADHD child more focused, happier and doing better in school. Call 561-245-4613 to Schedule your free consultation.

A 5-month enrollment package includes:

  • A 1-year subscription with a Cloud License to MindPower Builderâ„¢, a state-of-the-art brain training program. Your child can continue to train on your home computer for up to a full year.
  • BrainPower neurofeedback headset so your child can play sports and games by mind alone to become more calm and alert.

“For Every ADHD Child with a Spark of Genius there are many with ignition trouble.”

shutterstock_93168676Hi, Dr.Kessler! Having received my son’s 3rd quarter report card I thought of you. He’s doing really well in school and part of his success I’m sure is thanks to the work he did with you. Thank you for making a difference in all our lives. You’d be pleased to see that Dan has become a confident, intelligent, pleasant young man and focused! Wish you all the best, always.” J.V., Delray Beach, Florida

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